There are 175 properties and districts listed on the National Register in the county, including 2 National Historic Landmarks.
[3] |
Landmark name [4] |
Image |
Date listed |
Location |
City or town |
Summary |
1 |
1918 State Office Building and 1933 State Highway Building |
01998-01-07January 7, 1998 |
1019 Brazos and 125 E. 11th Sts.
Austin |
2 |
Administration Building |
01993-10-21October 21, 1993 |
1820 E. Eighth St.
Austin |
3 |
Arnold Bakery |
02004-01-14January 14, 2004 |
1010 E. Eleventh St.
Austin |
4 |
Austin Central Fire Station #1 |
02000-05-05May 5, 2000 |
401 E. Fifth St.
Austin |
5 |
Austin Daily Tribune Building |
02000-11-08November 8, 2000 |
920 Colorado
Austin |
6 |
Austin Public Library |
01993-05-06May 6, 1993 |
810 Guadalupe St
Austin |
7 |
Austin US Courthouse |
02001-04-25April 25, 2001 |
200 West Eighth St.
Austin |
8 |
Aynesworth-Wright House |
01980-09-27September 27, 1980 |
N of Austin at 11693 Research Blvd.
Austin |
9 |
Bailetti House |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
1006 Waller St.
Austin |
10 |
Charles W. Barnes House |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
1105 E. 12th St.
Austin |
11 |
William Braxton Barr House |
01983-01-10January 10, 1983 |
NE of Austin at 10463 Sprinkle Rd.
Austin |
12 |
Barton Springs Archeological and Historical District |
01985-11-27November 27, 1985 |
Address Restricted
Austin |
13 |
Battle Hall |
01970-08-25August 25, 1970 |
South Mall, University of Texas campus
Austin |
14 |
Judge Robert Lynn Batts House |
01984-08-22August 22, 1984 |
1505 Windsor Rd.
Austin |
15 |
Bluebonnet Tourist Camp |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
4407 Guadalupe St.
Austin |
16 |
Boardman-Webb-Bugg House |
01980-01-08January 8, 1980 |
602 W. 9th St.
Austin |
17 |
Bremond Block Historic District |
01970-04-03April 3, 1970 |
Roughly bounded by Guadalupe, San Antonio, 7th and 8th Sts.
Austin |
18 |
John Henry and Minnie Tate Brewer House |
01995-08-21August 21, 1995 |
1108 S. Chicon St.
Austin |
19 |
Genaro P. and Carolina Briones House |
01998-08-07August 7, 1998 |
1204 E. 7th St.
Austin |
20 |
Brizendine House |
01974-07-22July 22, 1974 |
507 W. 11th St.
Austin |
21 |
Brown Building |
01997-04-24April 24, 1997 |
708 Colorado St.
Austin |
22 |
Camp Mabry Historic District |
01996-08-30August 30, 1996 |
2210 W. 35th St.
Austin |
23 |
Carrington-Covert House |
01970-08-25August 25, 1970 |
1511 Colorado St.
Austin |
24 |
Daniel H. and William T. Caswell Houses |
01975-04-21April 21, 1975 |
1404 and 1502 West Ave.
Austin |
25 |
Central Christian Church |
01992-07-16July 16, 1992 |
1110 Guadalupe St.
Austin |
26 |
Chapman House |
02010-09-09September 9, 2010 |
901 E 12th St.
Austin |
27 |
City Cemetery |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
16th & Navasota
Austin |
28 |
Clarksville Historic District |
01976-12-01December 1, 1976 |
Bounded by W. Lynn, Waterson, W. 10th and MO-PAC Expwy.
Austin |
29 |
Commercial Building at 4113 Guadalupe Street |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
4113 Guadalupe St.
Austin |
30 |
Community Center |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
1192 Angelina St.
Austin |
31 |
Congress Avenue Historic District |
01978-08-11August 11, 1978 |
Congress Ave. from Cesar Chavez to 11th St.
Austin |
32 |
Connelly-Yerwood House |
02003-04-18April 18, 2003 |
1115 E 12th St.
Austin |
33 |
Dr. Beadie E. and Willie R. Conner House and Park |
01997-09-19September 19, 1997 |
3111 E. 13th St.
Austin |
34 |
Frank M. and Annie G. Covert House |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
3912 Ave. G
Austin |
35 |
Andrew M. Cox Ranch Site |
01975-12-06December 6, 1975 |
Barton Creek near Loop 360 & MoPac
Austin |
36 |
Cox-Craddock House |
02001-05-30May 30, 2001 |
720 E. 32nd St.
Austin |
37 |
Thomas Cranfill House |
02004-12-29December 29, 2004 |
1901 Cliff St.
Austin |
38 |
Deep Eddy Bathing Beach |
02003-06-23June 23, 2003 |
301 Quarry St.
Austin |
39 |
Delwood Duplex Historic District |
02011-03-21March 21, 2011 |
Roughly bounded between Maplewood Ave. and Kirkwood, Ashwood, and Wrightwood Rds.
Austin |
Historic Residential Suburbs in the United States, 1830-1960 MPS |
40 |
J. Frank Dobie House |
01991-05-20May 20, 1991 |
702 E. 26th St.
Austin |
41 |
Driskill Hotel |
01969-11-25November 25, 1969 |
117 E. 7th St.
Austin |
42 |
Evans Industrial Building |
01982-06-17June 17, 1982 |
Huston-Tillotson College Campus, 1820 E 8th
Austin |
43 |
Federal Office Building |
02011-04-27April 27, 2011 |
300 E. 8th Ave.
Austin |
44 |
Fischer House |
01982-12-16December 16, 1982 |
1008 West Ave.
Austin |
45 |
Seymour and Barbara Fogel House |
02003-04-02April 2, 2003 |
2411 Kinney Rd.
Austin |
46 |
French Legation |
01969-11-25November 25, 1969 |
802 San Marcos St.
Austin |
47 |
George Washington Carver Library |
02005-03-30March 30, 2005 |
1165 Angelina St.
Austin |
48 |
Gethsemane Lutheran Church |
01970-08-25August 25, 1970 |
1510 Congress Ave.
Austin |
49 |
Gilfillan House |
01980-09-27September 27, 1980 |
603 W. 8th St.
Austin |
50 |
Goodman Building |
01973-04-13April 13, 1973 |
202 W. 13th St.
Austin |
51 |
Governor's Mansion |
01970-08-25August 25, 1970 |
1010 Colorado St.
Austin |
52 |
Granger House and The Perch |
02006-11-29November 29, 2006 |
805 W. 16th St.
Austin |
53 |
Green Pastures |
01980-09-27September 27, 1980 |
811 W. Live Oak St.
Austin |
54 |
Haehnel Building |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
1101 E. 11th St.
Austin |
55 |
John Hancock House |
01973-04-13April 13, 1973 |
1306 Colorado St.
Austin |
56 |
Haynes-DeLashwah House |
01983-03-03March 3, 1983 |
1209 Rosewood Ave.
Austin |
57 |
Hildreth-Flanagan-Heierman House |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
3909 Ave. G
Austin |
58 |
Henry Hirshfeld House and Cottage |
01973-04-13April 13, 1973 |
303 and 305 W. 9th St.
Austin |
59 |
Hofheintz-Reissig Store |
01983-06-23June 23, 1983 |
600 E. 3rd St.
Austin |
60 |
Goldie Horton-Porter House |
01990-10-04October 4, 1990 |
2402 Windsor Rd.
Austin |
61 |
House at 1170 San Bernard Street |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
1170 San Bernard St.
Austin |
62 |
House at 1400 Canterbury Street |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
1400 Canterbury St.
Austin |
63 |
Hyde Park Historic District |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
Roughly bounded by Ave. A, 45th St., Duval St., and 40th St.
Austin |
64 |
Hyde Park Presbyterian Church |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
3915 Ave. B
Austin |
65 |
Robert Irvin House |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
1008 E. 9th St.
Austin |
66 |
A. J. Jernigan House |
01983-09-22September 22, 1983 |
602 Harthan
Austin |
67 |
Phillip W. Jobe House |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
1113 E. 9th St.
Austin |
68 |
C.E. Johnson House |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
1022 E. 7th St.
Austin |
69 |
Keith House |
01998-05-08May 8, 1998 |
2400 Harris Blvd.
Austin |
70 |
Laguna Gloria |
01975-12-06December 6, 1975 |
3809 W. 35th St.
Austin |
71 |
Lamar Boulevard Bridge |
01994-07-07July 7, 1994 |
Lamar Blvd. over the Colorado R.
Austin |
72 |
Charles P. Ledbetter House |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
3904 Ave. C
Austin |
73 |
Levi Rock Shelter |
01971-06-21June 21, 1971 |
Near Hwy 71 and the Pedernales River on Lick Creek
Austin |
74 |
Limerick-Frazier House |
02005-03-30March 30, 2005 |
810 E. 13th St.
Austin |
75 |
Little Campus |
01974-08-13August 13, 1974 |
Bounded by 18th, Oldham, 19th, and Red River Sts.
Austin |
76 |
Littlefield House |
01970-08-25August 25, 1970 |
24th St. and Whitis Ave.
Austin |
77 |
Long Hog Hollow Archeological District |
01984-05-25May 25, 1984 |
Address Restricted
Austin |
78 |
John W. Maddox House |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
1115 E. 3rd St.
Austin |
79 |
Peter and Clotilde Shipe Mansbendel House |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
3824 Ave. F
Austin |
80 |
Mather-Kirkland House |
01978-12-08December 8, 1978 |
402 Academy
Austin |
81 |
Mayfield-Gutsch Estate |
01994-09-29September 29, 1994 |
3505 W. 35th St.
Austin |
82 |
Arthur N. and Jane Y. McCallum House |
01996-08-22August 22, 1996 |
613 W. 32nd St.
Austin |
83 |
Robert H. and Edith Ethel McCauley House |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
4415 Ave. A
Austin |
84 |
Floyd McGown House |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
1202 Garden St.
Austin |
85 |
McKinney Homestead |
01974-10-16October 16, 1974 |
SW of Austin between TX 71 and U.S. 183
Austin |
86 |
Fannie Moss Miller House |
02008-04-16April 16, 2008 |
900 Rio Grande St.,
Austin |
87 |
Millett Opera House |
01978-03-21March 21, 1978 |
110 E. 9th St.
Austin |
88 |
Missouri, Kansas and Texas Land Co. House |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
3908 Ave. C
Austin |
89 |
Montopolis Bridge |
01996-10-10October 10, 1996 |
US 183, 8.1 mi (13.0 km). S of jct. with I-35
Austin |
90 |
Moonlight Tower |
01976-07-12July 12, 1976 |
Austin and vicinity
Austin |
91 |
Moore's Crossing Historic District |
01996-10-16October 16, 1996 |
Roughly bounded by FM 973, old Burleson Rd. and Onion Cr.
Austin |
92 |
Moore-Hancock Farmstead |
01994-09-02September 2, 1994 |
4811 Sinclair Ave.
Austin |
93 |
Charles B. Moreland House |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
1301 E. Cesar Chavez
Austin |
94 |
Chester and Lorine Nagel House |
01997-04-17April 17, 1997 |
3215 Churchill Dr.
Austin |
95 |
Neill-Cochran House |
01970-08-25August 25, 1970 |
2310 San Gabriel St.
Austin |
96 |
Newton House |
01987-04-02April 2, 1987 |
1013 E. Ninth St.
Austin |
97 |
Elisabet Ney Studio and Museum |
01972-11-29November 29, 1972 |
304 E. 44th St.
Austin |
98 |
Norwood Building |
02011-02-07February 7, 2011 |
114 W 7th St.
Austin |
99 |
Oakwood Cemetery Annex |
02003-10-30October 30, 2003 |
1601 Comal St.
Austin |
100 |
Old Bakery |
01969-12-17December 17, 1969 |
1006 Congress Ave.
Austin |
101 |
Old Land Office Building |
01970-08-25August 25, 1970 |
108 E. 11th St.
Austin |
102 |
Old West Austin Historic District |
02003-09-12September 12, 2003 |
Roughly bounded by W. 13th, Lamar Blvd., W. 35th and Mo-Pac Expy.
Austin |
103 |
Oliphant-Walker House |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
3900 Ave. C
Austin |
104 |
Page-Gilbert House |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
3913 Ave. G
Austin |
105 |
Michael Paggi House |
01975-04-16April 16, 1975 |
200 Lee Barton Dr.
Austin |
106 |
Paramount Theatre |
01976-06-23June 23, 1976 |
713 Congress Ave.
Austin |
107 |
James F. and Susie R. Parker House |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
3906 Ave. D
Austin |
108 |
Perry Estate-St. Mary's Academy |
02001-08-08August 8, 2001 |
701 E. 41st St.
Austin |
109 |
George A. Peterson House |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
1012 E. 8th St.
Austin |
110 |
Joseph O. Polhemus House |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
912 E. 2nd St.
Austin |
111 |
William Sidney Porter House |
01973-06-18June 18, 1973 |
409 E. 5th S.
Austin |
112 |
Rainey Street Historic District |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
70-97 Rainey St.
Austin |
113 |
F. T. and Belle Ramsey House |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
4412 Ave. B
Austin |
114 |
Rather House |
01979-10-24October 24, 1979 |
3105 Duval St.
Austin |
115 |
Raymond-Morley House |
01974-11-20November 20, 1974 |
510 Baylor St.
Austin |
116 |
Louis and Mathilde Reuter House |
01987-12-07December 7, 1987 |
806 Rosedale Terrace
Austin |
117 |
Alice H. Robbins House |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
4311 Ave. A
Austin |
118 |
Robinson-Macken House |
01985-09-12September 12, 1985 |
702 Rio Grande St.
Austin |
119 |
Edward H. Rogers Homestead |
01974-12-27December 27, 1974 |
N of Austin off TX 1325
Austin |
120 |
Rogers-Bell House |
01988-06-24June 24, 1988 |
1001 E. Eighth St.
Austin |
121 |
Roy-Hardin House |
02005-08-17August 17, 2005 |
1803 Evergreen Ave.
Austin |
122 |
Royal Arch Masonic Lodge |
02005-04-28April 28, 2005 |
311 W. 7th St.
Austin |
123 |
George W. Sampson House |
01982-07-08July 8, 1982 |
1003 Rio Grande
Austin |
124 |
Santa Rita Courts |
02008-04-17April 17, 2008 |
Roughly bounded by E. 2nd, Pedernales, Santa Rita & Corta Sts.,
Austin |
125 |
Kurt and Meta Schemedes House |
02000-06-15June 15, 2000 |
804 Baylor St.
Austin |
126 |
J. P. Schneider Store |
01979-01-29January 29, 1979 |
401 W. 2nd St.
Austin |
127 |
Scholz Garten |
01979-07-27July 27, 1979 |
1607 San Jacinto
Austin |
128 |
Walter Schulze House and Industrial Structure |
01986-04-25April 25, 1986 |
102 Chicon St.
Austin |
129 |
Zachary T., Sr., and Sallie Lee Scott House |
01998-09-07September 7, 1998 |
2408 Sweetbrush Dr.
Austin |
130 |
Scottish Rite Dormitory |
01998-04-23April 23, 1998 |
210 W. 27th St.
Austin |
131 |
Rev. Henry M. and Jennie Sears House |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
209 W. 39th St.
Austin |
132 |
Shadow Lawn Historic District |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
Roughly bounded by Ave. G, 38th St., Duval St., and 39th St.
Austin |
133 |
Sheeks-Robertson House |
01976-06-24June 24, 1976 |
610 W. Lynn St.
Austin |
134 |
Col. Monroe M. Shipe House |
01983-03-29March 29, 1983 |
3816 Ave. G
Austin |
135 |
Shotgun at 1206 Canterbury Street |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
1206 Canterbury St.
Austin |
136 |
Shotguns at 1203-1205 Bob Harrison |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
1203-1205 Bob Harrison
Austin |
137 |
Simms House |
02005-03-30March 30, 2005 |
906 Mariposa Dr.
Austin |
138 |
Sixth Street Historic District |
01975-12-30December 30, 1975 |
Roughly bounded by 5th, 7th, Lavaca Sts. and I-35
Austin |
139 |
Smith Rock Shelter |
01974-10-01October 1, 1974 |
In McKinney Falls State Park
Austin |
140 |
Smith-Marcuse-Lowry House |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
3913 Ave. C
Austin |
141 |
Smith-Clark and Smith-Bickler Houses |
01979-04-20April 20, 1979 |
502 and 504 W. 14th St.
Austin |
142 |
Richmond Kelley Smoot House |
01982-08-12August 12, 1982 |
1316 W. 6th St.
Austin |
143 |
Southgate-Lewis House |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
1501 E. 12th St.
Austin |
144 |
Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone Building |
01978-02-14February 14, 1978 |
410 Congress Ave.
Austin |
145 |
St. David's Episcopal Church |
01978-08-02August 2, 1978 |
304 E. 7th St.
Austin |
146 |
St. Edward's University Main Building and Holy Cross Dormitory |
01973-03-07March 7, 1973 |
3001 S. Congress St.
Austin |
147 |
St. Mary's Cathedral |
01973-04-02April 2, 1973 |
201-207 10th St.
Austin |
148 |
State Cemetery of Texas |
01986-05-12May 12, 1986 |
901 Navasota St.
Austin |
149 |
State Lunatic Asylum |
01987-12-04December 4, 1987 |
4110 Guadalupe
Austin |
150 |
Stavely-Kunz-Johnson House |
01980-08-19August 19, 1980 |
1402 E. Cesar Chavez
Austin |
151 |
Swedish Hill Historic District |
01986-05-12May 12, 1986 |
900-1000 blks. of E. Fourteenth St. and 900 blk. of E. Fifteenth St.
Austin |
152 |
Teachers State Association of Texas Building |
02005-04-28April 28, 2005 |
1191 Navasota
Austin |
153 |
Texas Federation of Women's Clubs Headquarters |
01985-10-24October 24, 1985 |
2312 San Gabriel St.
Austin |
154 |
Texas State Capitol |
01970-06-22June 22, 1970 |
Congress and 11th Sts.
Austin |
155 |
U.S. Post Office and Federal Building |
01970-08-25August 25, 1970 |
126 W. 6th St.
Austin |
156 |
University Baptist Church |
01998-07-31July 31, 1998 |
2130 Guadalupe St.
Austin |
157 |
University Junior High School |
02001-04-19April 19, 2001 |
1925 San Jacinto Blvd.
Austin |
158 |
Victory Grill |
01998-10-16October 16, 1998 |
1104 E. 11th St.
Austin |
159 |
Wahrenberger House |
01978-02-23February 23, 1978 |
208 W. 14th St.
Austin |
160 |
Walnut Creek Archeological District |
01981-09-24September 24, 1981 |
Address Restricted
Austin |
161 |
Wesley United Methodist Church |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
1164 San Bernard St.
Austin |
162 |
West Line Historic District |
02005-10-12October 12, 2005 |
Roughly bounded by Baylor St., W. Fifth and Sixth Sts., MoPac Expressway
Austin |
163 |
Westgate Tower |
02010-10-12October 12, 2010 |
1122 Colorado St.
Austin |
164 |
Westhill |
01979-07-26July 26, 1979 |
1703 West Ave.
Austin |
165 |
W.T. and Clotilde V. Williams House |
01990-08-16August 16, 1990 |
3820 Ave. F
Austin |
166 |
Willow-Spence Streets Historic District |
01985-09-17September 17, 1985 |
Portions of Willow, Spence, Canterbury, San Marcos & Waller Sts.
Austin |
167 |
Wilshire Historic District |
02011-06-08June 8, 2011 |
Bounded by Southern Pacific Railroad, Ardenwood Rd., Wilshire Blvd. & the Delwood III subdivision
Austin |
168 |
Woodlawn |
01970-08-25August 25, 1970 |
6 Niles Rd.
Austin |
169 |
Wooldridge Park |
01979-08-01August 1, 1979 |
Guadalupe St.
Austin |
170 |
Goodall Wooten House |
01975-04-03April 3, 1975 |
700 W. 19th St.
Austin |
171 |
Worrell-Ettlinger House |
02004-10-12October 12, 2004 |
3110 Harris Park Ave.
Austin |
172 |
Wroe-Bustin House |
01997-01-25January 25, 1997 |
506 Baylor St.
Austin |
173 |
Youth Council Site (41TV382) |
01979-04-24April 24, 1979 |
Address Restricted
Austin |
174 |
Zilker Park Historic District |
01997-05-23May 23, 1997 |
2100 Barton Springs Rd.
Austin |
175 |
Ziller House |
01998-05-08May 8, 1998 |
1110 Blanco
Austin |